Advance the Understanding of Immunology of Diabetes
To present and disseminate cutting-edge research on the immunological aspects of type 1 diabetes, including the interplay between the immune system and metabolic pathways, the role of autoimmunity, and strategies for delay and prevention of diabetes. Encourage submissions of new research findings and methodologies
Foster Multidisciplinary Collaborations
Promote collaborations across diverse fields such as molecular biology, clinical research, and bioinformatics to foster a multidisciplinary approach to type 1 diabetes research. Create networking events, collaborative workshops, and joint sessions with researchers from various disciplines.
Encourage the Development and Clinical Translation of Therapies
Focus on bridging the gap between research and clinical practice. Showcase emerging therapeutic technologies and immunotherapies that target the immune system to prevent or treat diabetes, including antigen-specific therapies, immune modulation, mechanisms of natural protection, and regenerative medicine focusing on the islet.
Promote Young Investigators and Diversity in Research
Support and showcase the work of young investigators and underrepresented groups in the field of immunology and type 1 diabetes research. Include dedicated sessions for new researchers, awards for outstanding contributions, and scholarships for attendance and presentation at the Congress.
Globalise the Impact of Diabetes Research
Extend the reach of diabetes immunology research by integrating perspectives from researchers in low- and middle-income countries, regions with increasing type 1 diabetes burdens, and the Asia-Pacific region. Promote global thinking around diabetes with presentations focused on the global epidemiology of diabetes and the impact of diabetes among First Nations people.